Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Stories of the half bodied Nigerian girl who lives in a bowl reaches international media

Kano-based neighbourhoodis quite known here, in Nigeria, but news about her mysterious condition have reached international media only now.
Rahma Haruna, 19, who has no limbs due to a mystery condition and now spends her life living in a plastic bowl
Daily Mail has shared the story of the 19-year-old girl who has spent most of her life in a plastic bowl since she has only a half of her body and suffers constant pain.
According to her parents, Rahma was born a healthy baby but when she turned six months old she suddenly stopped
growing up and missed hitting key development milestones.
Her mother, Fadi, said: “From six months when she learnt how to sit that was when it began. She didn’t learn how to crawl. She started with a fever and that was it. Then stomach pains. Then her body parts like hands and legs. She cannot use any if the ache strikes.”
Her family make every effort to give her a fulfilling life and carry her around the neighbourhood in a plastic container that is placed on a wheelchair.
Her 10-year-old brother Fahad is very supportive and also tries to please her any time he can: “I help her in many ways. Bathing her is another thing I do. And taking her out everyday. I feel happy whenever I see people helping her. I like taking her to our relatives. She feels happy when we visit them.”
Local doctors can’t determine the cause of Rahma’s condition and believe it could have been triggered by a jinn, a supernatural being in Islam mythology.
However, her parents don’t give up and hope to get the attention of a charity organisation or medical specialists who can gave their daughter a new life without pain.
Rahma’s father, Hussaini, explained:“I’ve spent 15 years searching for the cure. I farm, go to the market and lots more looking for money to pay for her bills. I sold almost everything in my possession. I have spent more than one million naira, so far. Only God knows the real amount of what I had spent.”
She recently received some generous gifts after being featured in the local press such as a donation of a wheelchair – and they have already made a big difference.
Her mother added: “We once went to a supermarket and we met someone who bought her wheels. He snapped our photo and it was published in the local papers. Since then we have been getting help from people.”
Surprisingly but despite all daily challenges Rahma is a bright and thankful teen girl, who is full of hopes and dreams for her future.
She said: “I thank God in everything I do. I want to start a business. A grocery store and anything people buy, that is what I want.”

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