Wednesday, July 20, 2016

OMG! See restaurant that serves meal from toilet bowls (photos)

Food served in toilet bowls
The Jamban cafe in Semarang, Indonesia, ‘latrine cafe’ in English, is using old squat toilets as containers for their dishes. And hungry customers can enjoy an array of dishes while sitting on the loo too, as chairs are made from old toilets.
The cafĂ© whose name ‘Jamban’ means toilet
in Indonesian has been open since April and currently only welcomes small groups who book ahead.
Eating out of a loo isn’t new, with Japan, Korea and Singapore paving the way but Jamban cafe was built by 52-year-old physician Budi Laksono, to highlight how 38 per cent of people in the area don’t have access to toilets, and are forced to defecate outside, putting them at risk of typhoid and diarrhea.
Food served in toilet bowls
Nawa o!

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