Thursday, September 8, 2016

Crazy blogger gets into hot sauce, and gets burnt. Read why

Meet Camre Candar. This guy is willing to do many crazy things to earn popularity on YouTube. And his blog is hot, but to make it even hotter he decides to take a bath in spiciest pepper sauce. The results are quite shocking! 

His videos gather millions of views. This time, he poured 1 250 bottles of hot pepper sauce into his tub and got in. Just few seconds later he bitterly regretted the deed. And no wonder. It started burning immediately. He sensed acute pain in his whole body, but it was not enough.

He dived into it and felt the sharp pain in his nose, ears, and eyes. Couple of hours later the man shows his body being all burned and red, with the irritated and aching skin. In reality, he risked his life doing it. He could have damaged himself badly or get spasms in his throat or lungs.

Never ever repeat such a thing at home, but at least watch the dude doing it. Watching is fun! Enjoy yourself and stay out of trouble.

This guy is brave and foolish to risk his life like that, but watching the video is fun.

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